Salmon lice free Sustainable Premium Quality

Healthy and appetizing salmon

“EcoSalmon” is the trademark of our unique farmed salmon. Our farming methods use innovative technology and are fully sustainable and environmentally-friendly, ensuring high fish welfare standards. Our salmon are kept in healthy water conditions throughout their lives, enabling us to improve muscle structure and maintain premium quality standards.

Documented results show that continuous current throughflow in closed cages promotes high levels of fitness and condition among our salmon. The water is taken from the deep sea, and is free of salmon lice.

This gives the salmon a bright and healthy appearance, maintains optimal fat and protein levels, and promotes high quality standards.

Our aim is to deliver the best and healthiest farmed salmon on the market.

Unique production method

Our patented technology and solutions enable us to control the salmon production process in sea. Energy consumption is based entirely on renewable Norwegian hydropower. Our unique technology ensures that:

  • the salmon live in clean, deep sea water that is free of salmon lice
  • circulation within the closed cages maintains the health of the salmon and keeps them in motion at all times
  • sedimentable waste deposits are collected and recycled for use in other renewable products
  • the risk of fish escapes is reduced due to the introduction of a double protection system
  • the fish are subjected to minimum handling, which promotes high levels of growth, well-being and fish welfare
  • Our aim is to produce the world’s most environmentally-friendly and sustainable marine farmed salmon so far


We focus on the environment and sustainability throughout the production cycle.

Only renewable energy sources are used in our production processes. Our system includes a double security technology, which significantly reduces the risk of fish escapes.

The salmon are produced free of exposure to salmon lice, and sedimentable waste deposits are used in new and green value chains. In our opinion – the most environmentally-friendly and sustainable marine salmon farming method in the world.

Waste recycling

We have good control of the water properties within the closed cages, and sedimentable waste deposits are taken care of during the production.

Potential feed waste and salmon excrement (feces) are collected and recycled to produce biogas, fertilisers and other renewable products. In this way we contribute to circular food system with reuse and sustainability in focus.

Company structure

Akvafuture is based in Brønnøysund in northern Norway.

The company operates sustainable and environmentally-friendly fish farms at three locations in Vevelstad and Brønnøy municipalities. We also manufactures our unique, patented, closed marine cages and other technologies, and provides maintenance and servicing for these.



Thomas Myrholt

+47 454 52 930

Simone Fredheim​

Accounting Manager
+47 910 00 055

Aleksander Ormøy

Electrical/automation manager
+47 468 65 799

Glenn Ovesen

+47 469 49 120

Hallvard Solli

Business Controller
+47 930 41 587

Elisabeth Treines

+47 489 52 364